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Currently Loving . JANUARY 2020

No one:

Me: Here's what I've been loving lately!

All jokes aside, this is always a favorite blog post to write. I mean what's not to like? I get to sit down at my desk, coffee in hand, and talk about my favourite things. Have I mentioned that I love my job and feel like the luckiest girl in the world?!

Let's get into it.



Graphic Tees

I've always loved a good graphic tee and slowly have been trying to build my collection. They're just the perfect piece to amp up an outfit to make it a touch more interesting, and hey, they also make great pj's. I love a good multi-purpose piece!

Monochromatic Looks

Whether it's an all black, business casual outfit ready to impress, or a matching workout set, I'm loving the monochromatic trend. Fun fact about me? I'm really short. At 4'11" I'm bombarded with articles and blog posts that say petite people shouldn't wear x, y, and z. For the most part I don't listen to this kind of negative talk. I firmly believe that you should wear whatever you want and whatever makes you happy. Lately, however, I've been loving the trend of monochromatic outfits, which coincidently is exactly what is recommended for a petite person to wear. Somehow, no matter how simple the outfits may be, this trend always looks polished and put together.



This seems like the scariest, weirdest addition to a skin care routine, but honestly, since I started micro needling once a week I have seen wonderful results. My basic understanding of this technique is that it creates teeny tiny pin pricks in the skin which causes the the skin to naturally repair itself and produce new collagen. It is said to help with acne scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, large pores, and allows your skin to more effectively absorb skin care products.What I'm finding is that my skin just feels like it can breathe and the products that I put on work so much better and quicker. I only micro needle once a week as it can be a bit harsh for your skin and while it's not comfortable by any means, it's definitely doesn't hurt. There can be some controversy with the technique so I'd recommend you do your own research and decide for yourself if it's something you want to include in your skin care routine.

"Barely there" bronzed makeup

Working from home means I really don't have to wear makeup if I don't want to, but on the days that I feel like putting in just a hint of effort I've been loving a fresh base with lots of bronzer. I have been using and loving Marc Jacobs coconut bronzer all over my face and as a touch of eye shadow. To finish off I use a bit of mascara and fill in my brows. It's a super easy, 5 min makeup routine that leaves me fresh faced and I'm loving it!



Much to my Husband's dismay (as he's more of a steak and potatoes kind of guy), I have been loving trying out different soup recipes this season. They're easy, make great leftovers, and keep us warm during these chilly winter days. Here are a few of my favourite recipes:


I go through phases where all I want is to curl up with a real, physical book and forget about the world. But sometimes life gets too busy and I don't have that kind of time. I've been loving listening to audiobooks while I walk, workout, cook or clean. I'm able to get through books sooo much faster than traditional reading as well. I've already finished 5 books just in January alone! I've really enjoyed The Giver by Lois Lowry, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton, and Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng.

Exercising right after work

When is your favourite time to work out? I'd love to say I'm one of those people that wakes up at the crack of dawn to get a good workout in, but I'm just not. I've never been much of a morning person and instead like quite slow, leisurely mornings where I can read, enjoy my coffee, scroll those instagram, and ease into the day. After putting in a full days work, there's nothing I love more than shutting off my computer, filling up my water bottle and making my way down to our home gym. It's therapeutic and I'm able to take all of the stresses that I faced throughout the work day and put them behind me. It gives me a moment to focus on me and my health.


Neutral & Earthy Style

I am absolutely in love with neutral interiors that mix in earthy elements with glam accents. It's Parisian meets Mediterranean and I can't get enough. To me, it's the perfect balance between rustic and natural with pieces that are stylish and on trend.


Habit Stacking

Ever heard of it? I just learned about this technique where you utilize a habit you've already established or is second-nature to you and combine it with a habit you're working on to more easily integrate it into your routine. Let's say you want to read more so you listen to audiobooks while you work out. Maybe you want to do squats while you brush your teeth, or meditate while your coffee brews.

I have reminders on my Fitbit that make sure I get 250 steps each hour. When my Fitbit vibrates, telling me to move, I get up to walk around and while I'm up I'll tidy around the house, clear surfaces, put things back where they belong, make the bed, or anything else that needs getting done.

Habits are a long term process and for most people, consistent, small steps are the key to success. It's an incredibly efficient way to be as effective with your time as possible and tackle a bunch of little things you've been meaning to include as part of your day. Pick simple and easy to complete tasks that go hand in hand with each other. It's amazing what you can do if you're just a bit more intentional with your time.

Digital Checklists

Is this controversial for the planner community?! While I keep lists of my ideal daily routines in my planner, this area of my planner serves more so as the master list or control panel and I use other tools throughout the day. This is particularly helpful when I'm out and about and don't have my planner with me.

Using the notes app on my phone, I have a checklist for my day, a meal planning section, and a Sunday routine checklist. I check things off throughout the day then start with a blank list the next day, without having to re-write everything. There's nothing more motivating to me than a checklist!

Admittedly, I've been more successful with my daily routines with this combination of paper and digital than ever before. The most important thing about planning is that you have to find what works best for you.


I can tell from this 'currently loving' list that I'm way more focused on efficiency and effectiveness than I have been in the past. I'm trying to simplify yet I still have tons of demands, tasks, and goals to achieve throughout the day. I don't have as much time to fuss so everything I do is carefully thought out.

As always, I want to hear from you! What have you been absolutely loving recently? Let me know in the comments.






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