20 Reasons to Look Forward to Fall
When I had thought about writing this blog post the leaves had just started to change color, the air had a chill to it, and the sun was going down a lot earlier. Sigh. Fall is so lovely. Well today, I sit in my living room writing this while a foot of snow has fallen on the ground overnight and it looks far more like winter than fall.

My city is notorious for it's crazy weather and it's common knowledge that fall only lasts a few weeks before we slip into winter for several months. Still, this doesn't stop me from absolutely loving fall. It's my favourite season.
Regardless of how quick Fall seems to come and go where I live, I embrace it wholeheartedly and soak it all in. It's quite simple, but here are the reasons I look forward to Fall every single year:
New planner supplies are out for the school year! (Even if I'm not in school anymore)
With the cooler weather sleep is so much more restful and comfortable
Going to the farmers market in fall is just the best
More time to read (or at least no no one judges you when you stay in)
More shows to watch
Sweater Weather a.k.a the best outfits of the year. Boots, scarves, sweaters, coats.
Trees at their most beautiful
Dark lipstick and nails
Fall candles
Candy, chocolate, and baking. Mmm apple pie
Thanksgiving! The holiday with the best food! In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in October.
Fall walks through the park
Sitting around the fire in the evening
Pumpkin Spice Lattes, chai tea, hot chocolate, and all the other warm cozy drinks
The most gorgeous color palette with oranges, reds, browns, golds, rusts, beige, creams and yellows
That cozy feeling
Breaking out all of my blankets especially my heated blanket
Comfort food like chili, soups, and stews
Harry Potter marathons
It's almost Christmas
Tell me, what's your favourite thing about Fall or Autumn? Is it your favourite season? If not, which season do you look forward to the most? Leave me a comment.